Latest Newsletters

The Johto Times is a Pokémon-focused newsletter created in February 2023, publishing weekly content every Thursday at 14:00 with a focus on opinions, personal memories and nostalgia. We publish interviews with notable individuals connected to Pokémon and its fan community. One of our goals at Johto Times is to preserve the history of the early Pokémon fan community, and to remember what it was like for Pokémon fans growing up in the late 90s and early 2000s. Subscribing to the Johto Times gives us an indication of how much support there is for the content we write. Importantly for you, the latest issues will go directly to your inbox, ensuring you never miss out on receiving the latest content.
Strengthen your bond, increase intimacy, and deepen your connection with your partner! Sign up for REALationship Weekly E-Love Letters Get your weekly dose of relationship insight and advice to expand your relationship to one full of bliss! What's inside: 1 Quote | 1 Prompt | 1 Convo Starter | 1 Resource | 1 Q&A
A newsletter helping ambitious people find meaningful work in the health & bio startup world
Chronicles is a monthly newsletter run by SOCIAL dedicated to sharing inspiring stories, insightful articles, and opportunities related to the social impact industry.
Keep up with Lake Norman's moves! Lake Norman is a man-made lake north of Charlotte, NC and acts as the cultural and recreational hub for the region. LKN Moves shares weekly news, events, and information, as well as monthly localized real estate reports for the communities around Lake Norman.
Reviews of recent books in critical theory, sociology, politics, philosophy, and history. Short essays on key concepts, ideas, and events of relevance to critical theorists and social critics. One e-mail every two weeks. Theorizing the social world.
A weekly dose of top tier insights from the world of Luxury!
A weekly serving of seven things for you to savor. Hand-rolled and algorithm-free. An email containing my reflections on interesting things I find laying about, seasoned with some quotes from my collection. 5 minutes of reading, no hooks, no guest posts.
Macy Sees The World is an album of short fiction (and sometimes personal essays) inspired by my travels around the globe. It's a newsletter for readers who want to learn about culture and history while being entertained by the adventures of fictional characters.
Ex-VC helping underestimated billion dollar founders raise their first million
A free, 6-part leadership email course – tailored to address the unique challenges faced by technical leaders.
Your weekly digest of hand-curated profitable digital businesses for sale: featuring saas, newsletters, online communities, directories, job boards, e-commerce sites, and more – delivered straight to your inbox.
Truth against politics! I'm Mike Hampton, a South African activist sharing news and writing articles that slice through global war and other geopolitical propaganda.
This newsletter is about cultivating delightful attention in our little everyday ordinary lives and finding creative ways to make our work culture better. Consider me, also as your online curator, where I delight in sharing with you some happy, thoughtful and creative things or people doing some awesome stuff on the internet.
🚀 ¡Bienvenido a [Nombre de tu Newsletter]! Donde el mundo del marketing digital cobra vida. Sumérgete en una experiencia única donde compartimos los secretos, las tendencias y las estrategias que transformarán tu enfoque en línea. 🔍 Descubre los trucos más recientes, estudios de caso inspiradores y consejos prácticos que te ayudarán a llevar tu negocio al siguiente nivel. Ya seas un emprendedor ambicioso o un profesional del marketing experimentado, encontrarás contenido exclusivo diseñado para impulsar tu éxito. 💡 Únete a nuestra vibrante comunidad y conviértete en un experto del marketing digital. Suscríbete ahora para recibir directamente en tu bandeja de entrada 2 veces a la semana las herramientas y conocimientos que necesitas para destacar en el competitivo mundo en línea.