Latest Newsletters

A weekly newsletter helping climate founders, investors, & passionate professionals discover the most promising climate startups and opportunities before everyone else. Written by founders, subject matter experts, and investors with decades across the climate-tech space.
This is I'm Learning Out Loud, a newsletter about an instructional designer who is trying to create and launch an online course while publicly documenting it along the way.
Where life, work, and self-identity collide ... over a refreshing glass of iced tea
A weekly newsletter sharing tips on investing and pursuing financial freedom.
A weekly newsletter to send you amazing content you wouldn’t have found otherwise.
Giving cooking the attention it deserves
A monthly curated list of the best tips, tricks, and templates for Google Data Studio.
Unpacking developer trends one at a time. Great for IndieHackers, technical founders, and curious devs. No spam or hidden ads.
Boost Your Creative Writing Mojo. Curated writing resources from a bestselling author, professional editor and veteran blogger
Earthnerds + Bookworms is a newsletter that features book reviews for a changing climate, ponderings on the garden + nature from a homestead, visual explorations of environmental collapse, and random plantlore. Join my virtual eco-conscious forest commune + subscribe below to stay up to date with my nerdiness.
Being an early employee at a future $1B unicorn will set you up for life, but it’s both hard to find the right opportunity and to be prepared when it comes along. First 20 Hires covers both open roles at high-potential early startups as well as the experiences of those who have been successful early hires in the past.
Hacker Hub is a curation of weekly cybersecurity news, quick little intelligence finds, and cool tid-bits about the industry.
Curated Space Investment News & Analysis
A new newsletter about the new old age and the greatest song ever.
e newsletter that makes you a better entrepreneur