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Valuable game development insights with a focus on solo game development. From Matt Hackett, author of How to Make a Video Game All By Yourself.
Informing and inspiring the international sign painting community.
Cutting down a tree can take a lifetime with a nail file or a few moments with a chainsaw. Thankfully, you get to choose your tools.
The Entrepreneur's Source For Global Prime PR Hacks.
Emerging Futures innovation & creativity newsletter answering the questions: what is innovation? And how to innovate? So you can outshine your competition. In-depth articles based on bleeding edge research, backed by science - Friday mornings.
Every Friday, I send out little nuggets of purpose that help you create a life that you enjoy.
Musings on writing and blogging, tech and web, science and society, life, and more ~ By Jatan, an asocial minimalist who loves to write and blog
Exploring space and our Moon, for a better future for humanity ~ By Jatan Mehta, Contributing Editor for The Planetary Society
Take action through discipline
In-depth organic growth strategies for SaaS business
The Curious Gaming Newsletter
1 Short, Curated, Actionable Growth Hack in Your Inbox Daily
An original poem, explained to make it understandable, with a life lesson to make it practical, once a week on Tuesdays at 10:30AM. Poetry as a simple guide to living.
I help people become better and more competent individuals.
Never miss a beat – this is your personalized music magazine! Read about your favourite bands every Friday in your inbox. If there are no news, we respect your inbox and don't send. Syncs with your Spotify account so you don't have to manually add all your favourite bands.