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Interviews with people from all walks of life
Get the latest recipes delivered directly to your mailbox. Imagine the convenience of having delicious recipe ideas waiting for you. Say goodbye to indecision and embrace the joy of trying new flavors, exploring cuisines, and expanding your horizons.
The monthly newsletter covering personal finance, investing, and entrepreneurship. Every article draws from the real experiences of its founder - a software executive and a serial entrepreneur - to bring you actual results and real change.
The monthly newsletter covering personal finance, investing, and entrepreneurship. Every article draws from the real experiences of its founder - a software executive and a serial entrepreneur - to bring you actual results and real change.
75 Adams Street is a free weekly newsletter about Barstool Sports - the personalities, stories and defining moments of the 20-year-old brand.
A public notebook of eclectic findings.
Substack newsletter with a special focus on beginner-friendly tools and helpful tips for getting started with generative AI. For non-techy people passionate about using AI in their lives.
Cyber Oracle is your weekly update on cybersecurity innovation! Explore cutting-edge tech, global insights, interesting jobs/internships, and practical tips to secure your digital world. Subscribe now for the latest directly in your inbox!
Empowering the Wise: Your Weekly Source of Tech, Health, and Wealth Insights. Join Silver Geeks for a journey of digital discovery and holistic well-being, curated for the vibrant 50+ community.
Daily self-care newsletter for the health conscious
A daily dispatch of the best freelance leads from around the web. Put your lead generation on autopilot with The Daily Lead absolutely free.
Artist from Japan, sharing her findings on travel, life, and in general this big beautiful world of ours.
A substack for music discovery and discussion — articles with playlists totaling over 40 hours of obscure or under-appreciated music from the 1940s-2020s
Join founders learning practical marketing and proven growth strategies. Save 100+ hours of research with free weekly 5-minutes reports on entrepreneurship. With Founder Notes, my mission is to provide you with valuable insights and strategies to help you succeed in your entrepreneurial journey. Here's how I aim to support you: 1. Uncover the secrets of top founders: I studied the strategies employed by successful entrepreneurs to build their audiences and grow their businesses. 2. Empower your own growth: I provide actionable tactics that you can adapt and implement to fuel the growth of your own business. 3. Get Inspired: I share quotes that sharpen your mind and ignite creativity, reminding you that innovation thrives on diverse perspectives and thinking beyond conventions. Starting a business from scratch can be challenging. Late nights and hard work are often met with the frustration of having no customers. Well, worry no more because I've got your back! Every week, I dedicate hours to researching new business opportunities and engaging in discussions with founders. What sets my newsletter apart is that I not only share what they're doing now, but I also provide insights into their early days when they had no audience. These are the actionable steps you can replicate for your own journey.
Follow my adventures at Puddock Hill in Eastern Pennsylvania as I work to promote natural communities in my own backyard--and yours!