Latest Newsletters

The weekly newsletter that increases your cognitive fitness
The GIST is a female-founded sports newsletter that gives you 'the gist' of what's happening in the sports world every Monday and Thursday in an easily digestible and entertaining five-minute read.The GIST's larger mission is to create an inclusive space for all sports fans while challenging the male-dominated industry. The company is female-led, and it aims to center women’s voices in the creation of sports content.
Nurturing your inner parent with ideas from mindfulness, psychology and neuroscience.
Legal news, made easy. Legit is the free weekly email bringing fast, fun, digestible legal news straight to your inbox.
Electric Cars newsletter and a community - Join us and help expand the EV Universe!
A weekly newsletter on trends, technology, and society. A community for those on a mission to build a better shared future.
Learn and Create new things
Prime food for thought, crunchy angles, no mainstream junk.
Get up to speed in 5 minutes. Every Monday get one email that takes you through the news shaping the tech world. See the big picture and make smarter business decisions.
sound smarter in 5 minutes. a short daily business and financial newsletter.
fashion industry insights and news
Listing problems and ideas waiting to be solved
Breaking down how algorithms see content. Building up more effective content operations. New issues weekly on Thursdays.
A weekly curated newsletter uncovering online businesses and showing you how to implement them.
A weekly digest of 10 up-in-coming startups, before they raise!