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Give your week the boost of energy it needs. Ideas, resources, and actionable insights for living a more intentional, innovative life. Delivered to you, every Sunday. It's (literally) Caffeine for your Inbox.
How famous tech companies got their first 1000 customers?
Curious weekly reads for deep feelers & thinkers.
Once a week, receive 3 hand-picked articles, videos, or podcast episodes, with bite-sized summaries to help you run a successful online course business! �
An email newsletter analyzing current events in the intersection between the businesses fighting (and enabling) financial crime, the criminals, and the government.
Mindfulness for everyday life
Business book recommendations
Weekly Dose of Health Content
CLI Productivity tips and tricks in a GIF
The GIST is a female-founded sports newsletter that gives you 'the gist' of what's happening in the sports world every Monday and Thursday in an easily digestible and entertaining five-minute read.The GIST's larger mission is to create an inclusive space for all sports fans while challenging the male-dominated industry. The company is female-led, and it aims to center women’s voices in the creation of sports content.
Human+ is a weekly newsletter that explores how to live intentionally through better thoughts and actions. Through succinct e-mails that anyone can understand, you can apply that week's idea to your life immediately. This newsletter can serve as a perfect supplement to the lengthier self-help books that you read, or it can even stand on its own. I mainly discuss philosophical/abstract ideas and productivity habits that actually work. I don't claim to be a personal-development guru who's hacked the human mind- I'm just someone who is passionate about becoming the best person that I can be and I want to share what I've done (and continue to do) to get there. Overall, the idea is for me to share actionable habits or thoughts that you can use to become a better human.
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Actionable insights from online creators. Each month we're diving deep into the growth strategies of one online creator. We'll be sharing insights from online publishers, podcasters, and content marketers. Get inspiration and proven tactics to help your business grow, delivered right to your inbox.
Exclusively for women who want to get 1% better every day, Fit Girls Society brings you workouts, wellness, healthy recipes, productivity hacks, and self-care tips, in your inbox every Thursday.
A weekly newsletter that analyses and gives a summary of the top 10 and trending physical and e-commerce products from around the world. Gain product inspiration, understand offers that worked, or generate content ideas - all it takes is just a 10-minute read.