Latest Newsletters

A weekly curated list of jobs that sponsors H1B visa
Old alchemy for a young century. Narrative essays and book reviews that reflect cultural, personal and philosophical perspectives shared by creatives across time and space.
Selling Your Tech Company for Strategic Value. This newsletter is written to address all aspects of the sale of a technology based business. We share our 20 plus years of experience representing technology business owners looking to sell for strategic value.
Longevity Minded is a newsletter focused on all things longevity where my goal is to help you live a longer and healthier life. Every Thursday morning, you’ll receive an e-mail from me that dives into an aspect of longevity. I’ll give you the principles, strategies, tools and tactics that will allow you to take control of your health. Each newsletter will contain actionable strategies and a straightforward explanation so you not only know what to do but also why you’re doing it. Because we aren’t just focused on lifespan (how long you live) but also healthspan (quality of life), Longevity Minded takes a well-rounded and balanced approach to help you find ways to improve the quality of your health. If you’re looking to lose fat, build muscle, improve sleep, advance nutrition practices and increase distress tolerance and are ready to feel more lean, strong and full of energy on a day-to-day basis, you’re in the right place!
Writing about anything, as long as it's interesting.
Online marketing news, knowledge, trends, articles and tools, curated by real humans. Insightful, clear, actionable and fun – consumed in 2 minutes or less. Delivered to your inbox daily.
Listening to ICL is like exercising, meditating, and having sex all at the same time. (Okay, the show is not that bad). Innovators Can Laugh is part business story �, culture sharing, and comedy show �. Grab a margarita and join social entrepreneur and expat Eric Melchor every week as he engages with entrepreneurs, creators, and innovators from the Baltics and Eastern Europe in a fun and casual way.
A reader-supported investigative newsletter covering politics, business, climate change, and corporate power.
Essential #Bitcoin news and fundamentals. Whether you're new to Bitcoin or want to dive deeper — The Bitcoin Espresso ☕ is for you.
Valuable web pieces about society and technology bi-weekly send to You.
Writing about what's new and trending in pop culture, plus a few things that make you go hmm.
A newsletter dedicated to empowering creative entrepreneurs and creative business leaders with the right curated resources, tools and support to prosper creative business growth.
a newsletter for curious and smart minds get more value out of the web
A newsletter featuring analysis and investigative reporting for a resilient community of local people in Leicestershire. Simply subscribe and check your mailbox!
TimeMachiner helps curious readers find that next great article by sharing the best in tech, culture, and nostalgia.