Marketing Newsletters

Free top online marketing guides, videos, software, plus free ads to increase your profits and more! A must-have resource for internet and affiliate marketers. Increase your views, clicks, sales, and profits from your promotional efforts and work from home programs.
AILG is a newsletter on the latest AI tools and news that help with growth marketing (ads creations, copywriting, crm, etc)
Bi-monthly newsletter covering research tips and ideas with fun interviews for writers and creatives to inspire characters and world building or just icebreaking conversations.
The Passionate About Marketing Newsletter is a weekly curated publication full of interesting, relevant links, and marketing tips. Subscribe now and learn something new about marketing!
Know the differences, grow your business.
Marketing Agency ( is a free newsletter designed to help marketers, startup founders, and entrepreneurs out-market their competition. Get the latest digital marketing news, updates, insights, advertising strategies, tactics & more. Delivered to your inbox, twice a week. Consumed in just 5 minutes or less.
All things email & growth
4 top business growth tips, curated from the experts, in your inbox, every Monday
Weekly language about the language of software marketing. One VP of Marketing called it "not boring!" (Thanks?) Another reader wrote it's "A must-read for marketing nerds." I think he meant "nerds" in a nice way. New column every Wednesday.
In-depth organic growth strategies for SaaS business
A monthly curated list of the best tips, tricks, and templates for Google Data Studio.
Seven Dawns is a newsletter that will deliver seven weekly insights to change the way you look at marketing and life.
SEO Strategies to Grow your Business Subscribe now to get actionable SEO tips and ideas + SaaS stories from Indie Maker friends in one simple-to-digest weekly email
Hi, I’m Phil Powis People call me The Wizard. I’m a marketing strategist, systems geek, and online business coach. I teach Automated Intimacy, co-founded Empire Engineering, and serve as Marketing & Growth Chief at Zen Habits. I recently started a weekly newsletter called The Wizard’s Chest. It’s one email per week with a mix of things I’m pondering, curiosities I’ve found in my own explorations, and highly actionable content that will sharpen your skills around all things marketing, systems, and growth.
A bi-weekly, curated newsletter for marketing nerds, creators, and entrepreneurs full with apps, tools, and websites tips.