Indie Watch

Indie Watch

Indie Watch is an exclusive weekly hand-curated newsletter showcasing the best iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS apps from iOS Developers worldwide. Our mission is to highlight the accomplishments and creativity of independent iOS Developers by providing a platform for them to share their ideas, their passion projects, and their stories. Every week, we provide our readers with a sampling of the best new apps, profiles of up-and-coming developers, and the occasional iOS freebie.



Indie Watch is an exclusive weekly hand-curated newsletter showcasing the best iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS apps from iOS Developers worldwide. Our mission is to highlight the accomplishments and creativity of independent iOS Developers by providing a platform for them to share their ideas, their passion projects, and their stories. Every week, we provide our readers with a sampling of the best new apps, profiles of up-and-coming developers, and the occasional iOS freebie.