Financial Independence News(letter)

Financial Independence News(letter)

Amanda Kellner Klein is not an expert in high finance. She is, among other things, personally obsessed with the Financial Independence (FI) movement, and is on an imperfect but committed path to building 25x her expenses in income-producing assets. She doesn’t think serving women accessible financial independence resources will change the world on its own, but if we make FI information available to and interesting for women… it can’t hurt in taking action towards equity. And, if a few more women break free from the paycheck cycle to do values-based work… well, she thinks we all may be better for it. The one thing AKK is an expert at is researching. (Seriously.) If there’s a FI article, book or podcast, she has probably read, listened to or notated it — you can dig into her findings in the FI News(letter), where we serve women the resources to reach financial independence.



Amanda Kellner Klein is not an expert in high finance. She is, among other things, personally obsessed with the Financial Independence (FI) movement, and is on an imperfect but committed path to building 25x her expenses in income-producing assets. She doesn’t think serving women accessible financial independence resources will change the world on its own, but if we make FI information available to and interesting for women… it can’t hurt in taking action towards equity. And, if a few more women break free from the paycheck cycle to do values-based work… well, she thinks we all may be better for it. The one thing AKK is an expert at is researching. (Seriously.) If there’s a FI article, book or podcast, she has probably read, listened to or notated it — you can dig into her findings in the FI News(letter), where we serve women the resources to reach financial independence.